Why you should Freeze your coffee beans

Forget everything you’ve been told: you really should be freezing your coffee beans. But of course, there’s method to the madness that creates the best cup of coffee!

Special shout out to my good friend Vania Ling who shared this link to this (admittedly geeky) article explaining the benefits of freezing both green and roasted coffee beans.

Steps to Freezing your Coffee for better flavour

  1. Foodsaver vacuum seal your roasted beans when at their peak (i.e. After desired resting time)
  2. Put the vacuum sealed beans in the freezer
  3. Grind from frozen for most even particle size (less fines = less over-extraction = less bitter = sweeter cup of coffee = Happy Coffee Lovers 🙂 )

Can similarly preserve green beans by vacuum sealing and freezing for future roasting. As noted in the linked article above, just be sure to thaw and roast no longer than a couple days after thawing back to room temp (i.e. Don’t freeze, thaw then wait 3-4 weeks before roasting – if you wait that long the cells are dead and beginning to decompose).

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