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Phottix Mitros+ Flash Review

Phottix Mitros+ Flash Review

UPDATED 140817: Even sadder: FIVE out of six Mitros+ flashes for Nikon have now failed me :(  I can no longer recommend purchasing them at this time until they fix what seems to be a quality build ...


Typo Keyboard Review for iPhone 5 and 5s

Typo Keyboard Review for iPhone 5 and 5s

I love my iPhone for many reasons, but the virtual keyboard has never been one of them. So when I heard about Typo Keyboard's new iPhone 5/5s keyboard case, I purchased a couple with high hopes. Why ...


Natural High-Protein Granola Bars

Natural High-Protein Granola Bars

As wedding photographers we often find ourselves working easily 8 up to 16 hour days at a time.  Anyone who's shot a wedding can testify that the physical and mental demands required to do this ...


The Best Memory Card Transfer System

The Best Memory Card Transfer System

150922 Update: We've updated our computers which now support USB3 and Thunderbolt drives.  WOOHOO!  So of course we've also updated recommendations below for card readers, hubs and hard drives. ...


20 Minute Workouts

20 Minute Workouts

Full Body 20 Minute Workout Equipment: - 1 to 2 flights of stairs.  If you don't have stairs you can use either a flat/inclined stretch of land, a treadmill, or run on the spot lifting your ...